A few words about me .....
I was born in Leeds in 1952 and through a slow southerly migration arrived in Berkshire in 1979. I am a biologist with a major international chemical company and one day I would like to return to some of the places I have visited for work and never had the time to take any photographs!! I think Colombia would be top of the list.

Many thanks to Nigel Snell for the photograph (see Links section)
Most of my photography takes place locally in the Thames valley although I have been a regular visitor to North Norfolk and to Shetland, Hungary, Finland, Norway and Scotland in search of images.
I have always used Canon equipment and my most frequent setup for bird photography is a 1Dx coupled with a 500mm f/4 L IS and often a 1.4x teleconverter.

Many thanks to Nigel Snell for the photograph (see Links section)
Most of my photography takes place locally in the Thames valley although I have been a regular visitor to North Norfolk and to Shetland, Hungary, Finland, Norway and Scotland in search of images.
I have always used Canon equipment and my most frequent setup for bird photography is a 1Dx coupled with a 500mm f/4 L IS and often a 1.4x teleconverter.